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中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (01) : 31 -34. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-392X.2021.01.008

所属专题: 文献


张菲菲1, 李殷南1,()   
  1. 1. 202150 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院崇明分院胃肠外科,疝外科
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-13 出版日期:2021-02-18
  • 通信作者: 李殷南

Feasibility analysis of laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair for ipsilateral recurrent inguinal hernia

Feifei Zhang1, Yinnan Li1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Chongming Branch, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 202150, China
  • Received:2020-01-13 Published:2021-02-18
  • Corresponding author: Yinnan Li

张菲菲, 李殷南. 腹腔镜经腹腹膜前疝修补术治疗同侧复发性腹股沟疝的可行性分析[J/OL]. 中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版), 2021, 15(01): 31-34.

Feifei Zhang, Yinnan Li. Feasibility analysis of laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair for ipsilateral recurrent inguinal hernia[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(01): 31-34.






126例患者的手术均顺利,无中转开放手术,未见重要组织器官损伤,腔镜组术中出血量为(14.87±3.47)ml、下床活动时间为(21.97±6.18)h、住院时间为(4.51±1.21)d,均低于开放组(21.11±5.48)ml、(26.81±7.32)h及(5.81±1.31)d,差异有统计学意义(t=6.121,3.987,5.149;P<0.05);术后6 h、24 h、1周、1个月、3个月,腔镜组视觉模拟评分显著低于开放组,差异有统计学意义(t=4.312,7.561,11.236,10.231,2.654;P<0.05);腔镜组并发症发生率低于开放组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.147,P<0.05)。




To analyze the feasibility of laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair in the treatment of ipsilateral recurrent inguinal hernia.


126 patients with ipsilateral recurrent inguinal hernia who were treated in Xinhua hospital Chongming branch from February 2015 to February 2017 were selected and divided into the endoscopic group (79 cases) and the open group (47 cases). The observation group was treated with laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair, and the control group was treated with Lichtenstein repair. The perioperative indicators, postoperative pain, postoperative recurrence rate and complications were observed in the two groups.


The operations in both groups were successfully completed. There was no transfer to open surgery. No major tissue or organ damage was seen. In the endoscopy group, intraoperative blood loss was (14.87±3.47) ml, time to get out of bed was (21.97±6.18) hours, and hospital stay was (4.51±1.21) days, which were lower than those in Lichtenstein group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05); At 6 hours, 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after surgery, the VAS score of the endoscopy group was significantly lower than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); the complication rate of the endoscopy group was lower than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).


Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair has less blood loss, short postoperative recovery time, less postoperative pain and fewer complications. It is safe and feasible to treat ipsilateral recurrent inguinal hernia.

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表2 2组临床指标比较(±s
表3 2组术后VAS评分比较(±s
表4 2组术后并发症及复发率比较[例(%)]
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