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中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (06) : 670 -673. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-392X.2023.06.002


孔博, 张璟(), 吕珂()   
  1. 100730 中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 北京协和医院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-01 出版日期:2023-12-18
  • 通信作者: 张璟, 吕珂
  • 基金资助:

Review on the role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and treatment of complex ventral hernia

Bo Kong, Jing Zhang(), Ke Lyu()   

  1. Department of Ultrasound, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China
  • Received:2023-10-01 Published:2023-12-18
  • Corresponding author: Jing Zhang, Ke Lyu

孔博, 张璟, 吕珂. 超声技术在复杂腹壁疝诊治中的作用[J]. 中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(06): 670-673.

Bo Kong, Jing Zhang, Ke Lyu. Review on the role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and treatment of complex ventral hernia[J]. Chinese Journal of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(06): 670-673.


Ventral hernia is a common surgical disease and complex ventral hernia usually refers to a hernia that is large or/and that has complications which can seriously affect the effectiveness of treatment. With the increasing prevalence of both obesity and abdominal surgery, the incidence of complex ventral hernia is on the rise. Complex ventral hernia is difficult to deal with, since it often combines with other complications such as infection, abdominal adhesion and intestinal obstruction. And it is of high incidence to relapse after surgery. Ultrasonography can assist in the diagnosis of the occurrence of ventral hernia. It can also evaluate the size and scope of the ventral hernia and the adjacency relationship with the surrounding tissues before surgery, so as to provide accurate positioning information about the ventral hernia, which is of great importance for the surgery. At the same time, ultrasonography can also monitor the complications of complex ventral hernia during the perioperative period so the necessary intervention can be adopted in a timely manner. In addition, new techniques such as ultrasound-guided botulinum toxin injection, ultrasound-guided hydro-dissection and ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block are helpful and provide new therapeutic techniques for the treatment of complex ventral hernia.

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