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中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (02) : 202 -207. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-392X.2024.02.015


焦盛宇1, 雷庆军1, 周圣赢1, 王兵1, 孔智渊1, 张剑2, 徐小慧1,()   
  1. 1. 215400 江苏,苏州大学苏州医学院,太仓市第一人民医院胃肠外科
    2. 200003 海军军医大学第二附属医院(上海长征医院)肛肠外科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-22 出版日期:2024-04-18
  • 通信作者: 徐小慧
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(81703022); 江苏省卫生健康委医学科研项目(Z2021077); 苏州市医疗卫生科技创新(指令性)项目(SKY2022029)

Analysis of clinical diagnosis and treatment of 35 patients with obturator hernia

Shengyu Jiao1, Qingjun Lei1, Shengying Zhou1, Bing Wang1, Zhiyuan Kong1, Jian Zhang2, Xiaohui Xu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, the First People's Hospital of Taicang, Taicang Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Jiangsu 215400, China
    2. Department of Anorectal Surgery, Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, Shanghai 200003, China
  • Received:2023-11-22 Published:2024-04-18
  • Corresponding author: Xiaohui Xu

焦盛宇, 雷庆军, 周圣赢, 王兵, 孔智渊, 张剑, 徐小慧. 35例闭孔疝患者临床诊断和治疗分析[J/OL]. 中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(02): 202-207.

Shengyu Jiao, Qingjun Lei, Shengying Zhou, Bing Wang, Zhiyuan Kong, Jian Zhang, Xiaohui Xu. Analysis of clinical diagnosis and treatment of 35 patients with obturator hernia[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(02): 202-207.






35例患者均为老年女性,合并慢性病史者17例(48.6%),分层分析发现有慢性病史的患者比例在不同年龄组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.036),随着年龄的增大有慢性病史者的比例在逐渐增大,60~79岁患者中合并慢性病史者比例为36.4%,80~89岁患者中合并慢性病史者比例为47.6%,90岁以上患者中合并慢性病史者比例为100%;在不同体重指数组间差异也有统计学意义(P= 0.009),体重指数在15.01~17.00 kg/m2之间患有慢性病的患者比例最高,达72.7%。手术治疗32例,有9例因小肠坏死行部分小肠切除,1例行补片修补。其中12例(34.3%)因病情危重经ICU抢救治疗。经ICU治疗的患者比例在不同年龄组(P=0.096)间差异有统计学意义,其中在80~89岁年龄区间经ICU治疗者达47.6%,另外随着身高的增加经ICU治疗患者的比例有增加的趋势。其余3名患者行保守治疗。所有患者均痊愈出院,住院时间5~20 d,中位9 d。




To analyze the clinical characteristics and treatment of obturator hernia in order to summarize experience, improve understanding and improve prognosis.


The clinical data of 35 patients with obturator hernia treated in the First People's Hospital of Taicang from January 2010 to August 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical characteristics and treatment methods of patients with different ages, body mass index and height were analyzed.


All 35 patients were elderly women, and 17 (48.6%) were complicated with chronic diseases. Stratified analysis showed that the proportion of patients with chronic diseases was significantly different between different age groups (P=0.036), and the proportion of patients with chronic diseases gradually increased with the increase of age. The proportion of patients with chronic diseases is 36.4% among patients aged 60-79, 47.6% of patients with chronic diseases among patients aged 80-89, and 100% of patients with chronic diseases among patients over 90 years old. There was also a statistical difference between patients of different body mass index groups (P=0.009). The proportion of people with chronic diseases was highest in the body mass index range of 15.01-17.00 kg/m2, reaching (72.7%). 32 patients underwent surgery and 9 required bowel resection due to intestinal necrosis, 1 required mesh repair. Among them, 12 patients (34.3%) underwent ICU treatment due to critical condition. The proportion of patients treated in the ICU was significantly different between different age groups (P=0.096). The proportion of patients treated in the ICU in the age range of 80-89 years was 47.6%. With the increase in height, the proportion of patients treated in the ICU also increased. The other three patients were treated conservatively. All patients were cured and discharged from the hospital. Hospitalization time was 5 to 20 days, with a median of 9 days.


The patients with obturator hernia are mostly elderly and emaciated female patients who often have chronic diseases, and there are many severe patients in the clinic. Delayed diagnosis and treatment of obturator hernia can lead to intestinal necrosis or even life-threatening complication, which requires clinicians to pay attention to and intervene as soon as possible to improve the prognosis of patients.

图1 不同层面的闭孔疝CT影像注:1A近腹腔层面;1B中间层面;1C远离腹腔层面。耻骨肌和闭孔外肌之间有低密度影,疝内容物为小肠。
图2 腹腔镜手术下闭孔疝患者术中情况注:2A嵌入闭孔内的部分小肠;2B肠管回纳后的闭孔缺损。
表1 35例闭孔疝患者手术相关指标
表2 35例闭孔疝患者病史、疝部位及手术情况不同年龄分层分析[例(%)]
表3 35例闭孔疝患者病史、疝部位及手术情况不同体重指数分层分析[例(%)]
表4 35例闭孔疝患者病史、疝部位及手术情况不同身高分层分析[例(%)]
表5 35例闭孔疝患者白蛋白、血红蛋白、手术及住院时间、治疗费用的分层分析
分层项目 例数 白蛋白(g/L) 血红蛋白(g/L) 手术时间(min) 住院时间(d) 治疗费用(元)
入院时 出院时 入院时 出院时
年龄(岁) 60~79 11 41.02±8.17 31.19±7.12 123.00±14.79 107.09±10.45 68.73±37.13 8.00±3.55 14606.23±6952.03
80~89 21 39.65±7.35 32.37±7.40 122.52±11.61 104.74±9.12 71.87±28.27 10.05±4.14 18196.63±10249.30
≥90 3 47.33±2.63 43.23±11.77 122.00±12.49 102.33±23.12 47.00±2.00 7.67±0.58 13339.32±1699.69
F - 1.419 3.052 0.009 0.285 0.872 1.294 0.797
P - 0.257 0.061 0.991 0.754 0.428 0.288 0.459
体重指数(kg/m2) ≤15.00 8 41.04±4.01 32.36±4.69 124.88±12.08 108.5±8.11 56.88±27.12 7.25±2.49 12549.53±5753.25
15.01~17.00 11 41.63±9.36 33.69±9.50 119.64±12.63 101.82±13.45 79.52±36.84 10.18±4.26 19403.31±8243.15
17.01~18.49 7 36.64±8.05 30.74±9.36 122.57±8.66 101.00±5.48 68.57±23.4 10.71±3.99 19709.99±11988.30
≥18.50 9 42.57±6.91 34.19±8.66 124.33±15.69 109.95±10.64 66.28±29.44 8.56±3.97 14557.03±8822.78
F - 0.922 0.269 0.339 1.660 0.878 1.406 1.392
P - 0.442 0.847 0.797 0.196 0.463 0.260 0.264
身高(cm) 140~145 4 42.38±5.16 34.75±5.92 117.75±12.29 103.25±10.56 41.75±6.40 7.00±1.83 11030.94±1591.21
146~150 20 40.03±8.55 33.34±9.91 123.40±13.52 105.43±11.70 73.31±30.20 9.00±4.32 16234.92±9311.81
151~155 7 41.37±7.25 30.87±4.22 124.14±12.44 104.29±5.06 73.71±37.44 11.14±3.89 19272.49±8941.28
156~160 4 41.53±5.97 32.62±6.13 121.00±8.45 108.25±15.78 64.25±25.47 9.00±1.41 19771.53±11067.80
F - 0.142 0.220 0.273 0.159 1.332 1.048 0.896
P - 0.934 0.882 0.845 0.923 0.282 0.385 0.454
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